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The Hong Kong Institute of Directors Announces Winners of Directors of the Year Awards 2023 at the Institute Annual Dinner

HONG KONG, Nov 24, 2023 – (ACN Newswire) – The Hong Kong Institute of Directors (“HKIoD”) announced the winners of the Directors Of the Year Awards (“DYA”) 2023 at its Annual Dinner held at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre yesterday.

The opening ceremony of the event was hosted by Dr Christopher To, Chairman of HKIoD, with Dr Kelvin Wong, SBS, JP, Chairman of Accounting and Financial Reporting Council, as the Guest of Honour addressing participants.

Dr Christopher To, Chairman of HKIoD, said, “In the wake of the pandemic, all businesses need to re-evaluate their positioning, identify their new niche and engage in transformation to bring about a better tomorrow. The Institute’s theme this year is “Transform for a Better Tomorrow”. The 13 awardees, who were  well-deserving, have demonstrated their ability to navigate their companies through the unprecedented challenges presented by the pandemic. They have also embraced change and innovation, paving the way for a brighter future. The leadership exhibited by these winners aligns perfectly with this year’s award theme.”

Awards Organising Committee Chairman Ms Alice Yip, commented, “From the awardees, we see excellent corporate governance and director practice, even in challenging time.  Some of the boards have demonstrated compositions that merit an additional recognition in board diversity.  From the Awardees, we see corporate transformation, that enables corporate sustainability.  They are mindful of their business purpose in creating value for their companies, stakeholders and humankind.”

Dr Carlye Tsui, CEO of HKIoD, said, “Sustainability remains our goal in the “Better Tomorrow” part of our theme “Transform for a Better Tomorrow”. Transformation is led by the board of directors. It covers business transformation and board transformation, the latter to enable the former. Hats off from HKIoD to this year’s award-winning directors, who have demonstrated outstanding practices in this regard.”

Dr Tsui supplemented that DYA has been organised since 2001 and supported by over 100 project partners. It is a community-wide project with nominations open to the public. “We are pleased to have candidates and Awardees from Hong Kong as well as the Mainland of China. Apart from recognizing role models, the project also serves the purpose of public education.”

The winners of DYA 2023 in the various award categories are listed below:

Listed Companies Categories

Executive Directors

Ms CHIU Siu Yin Lovinia – Medialink Group Limited

Ms JIANG Anqi – Tianqi Lithium Corporation

Mr LAM Wai Hon, Patrick – FSE Lifestyle Services Limited

Dr MA Mingzhe – Ping An Insurance (Group) Company of China Ltd

Ms Winnie WONG Chi Shun – Asia Insurance Company Limited



China Resources Beer (Holdings) Company Limited

FSE Lifestyle Services Limited

Tam Jai International Co. Limited**

Tianqi Lithium Corporation


Statutory/ Non-profit-distributing Organisations Categories


Friends of the Earth (HK)**

Hong Kong Housing Society**

KELY Support Group**



In alphabetical order of names within category

**In addition: recognition of Excellence in Board Diversity


About The Hong Kong Institute of Directors (“HKIoD”)

The Hong Kong Institute of Directors is Hong Kong’s premier body representing directors to foster the long-term success of companies through promoting corporate governance and director professionalism. A non-profit-distributing organisation with membership consisting of executive directors, non-executive directors and independent non-executive directors from diverse industries and corporate types, HKIoD is committed to providing directors with education, information service and a representative and influential voice.  HKIoD conducts business with international perspectives and multi-culturalism.  In the international platform, HKIoD is a member institute of the Global Network of Director Institutes (“GNDI”), which represents over 150,000 directors, and also hosts the Hong Kong Chapter of Climate Governance Initiative, a global network in promoting climate actions among directors.

For details, please visit: http://www.hkiod.com   /  http://www.gndi.org  /  https://climate-governance.org/

About Directors of the Year Awards

Directors Of The Year Awards were first launched in 2001 as the first ever such Awards organised in Asia. The project has now become an annual project of impact in the community organised by the Institute together with over 100 Project Partners. To date, 243 Awardees have been recognised for their achievements in demonstrating exemplary high standards in corporate governance.

Nominations of candidates are open to the public and are processed in a well-defined and stringent set of procedures. Awards are presented by company categories, viz Listed Companies, Non-listed Companies and Statutory/Non-profit-distributing Organisations, and by capacities, viz Executive Directors, Non-Executive Directors and Boards.


Media Enquiries:

Strategic Public Relations Group Limited

Brenda Chan+852 2114 4396/ brenda.chan@sprg.com.hk

Directors Of The Year Awards:

The Hong Kong Institute of Directors

Odessa So +852 2889 4988/ odessa.so@hkiod.com

The Guest of Honour, Dr Kelvin Wong, Chairman of Accounting and Financial Reporting Council (8th from left, 1st row), special guests and officials to join the group photos together with the awardees (2nd row).

A panoramic group photographs taken together to commemorate the occasion.