Hong Kong Fintech News, Cryptocurrency Stories, Business Press Releases


(SeaPRwire) –   聯合國秘書長安東尼奧·古特雷斯警告,由「化石燃料驅動」的氣候變遷對人類造成嚴重的影響。 聯合國秘書長安東尼奧·古特雷斯呼籲全球社會採取行動,應對他所稱的「極端高溫疫情」,該疫情影響著全球數百萬人,並給經濟造成沉重負擔。 週四,古特雷斯在向記者發言時指出,氣溫上升「不再是單日現…


(SeaPRwire) –   巴西衛生部表示,由受感染蚊子傳播的奧羅普奇病毒已造成兩名婦女死亡。 巴西衛生部表示,巴西已記錄到全球首例奧羅普奇病毒死亡案例,兩名婦女死於這種由受感染的蒼蠅和蚊子傳播的疾病。 奧羅普奇熱,以其首次發現的千里達和托巴哥地區命名,是一種熱帶病毒感染,由受感染的蠓和蚊子將樹懶血液傳…

RoboTech Cloud Brings Cutting-Edge AI and Robotics Solutions to Spain

New York, NY – July 26, 2024 – (SeaPRwire) – RoboTech Cloud proudly announces its plan to enter the Spanish market, offering a comprehensive suite of advanced AI and robotics services. Their company specializes in automating business processes, integrating sophisticated robotics, and implementing machine learning solutions to enhance operational efficiency and productivity. They address the unique […]

CITIC Resources Announces its 2024 Interim Results

HONG KONG, July 26, 2024 – (ACN Newswire via SeaPRwire.com) – CITIC Resources Holdings Limited (hereinafter referred to as the CITIC Resources or the Company, or the Group when its subsidiaries are included; Stock Code: 1205.HK) announces its unaudited interim results for the six months ended 30 June 2024 (hereinafter referred to as the “Period”). Rocketing […]

OmniGuide Holdings Announces Successful Completion of Patient Study for Revolutionary iSTONE(TM) Laser-Guided Lithotripsy Technology

Billerica, MA, July 26, 2024 – (ACN Newswire via SeaPRwire.com) – OmniGuide Holdings, Inc. (OGH) is thrilled to announce the successful completion of a groundbreaking patient study for its innovative iSTONE™ software, a laser-guided system designed for real-time automatic target identification in endoscopic stone lithotripsy. This advancement marks a significant milestone in the treatment of urolithiasis, promising a new […]

VCI Global Enters into AI Computing Alliance (AICA) Led by Enlight Corporation and Supermicro

KUALA LUMPUR, July 26, 2024 – (ACN Newswire via SeaPRwire.com) – VCI Global Limited (NASDAQ: VCIG) (Frankfurt: H0T) (“VCI Global”, “VCIG”, or the “Company”), an AI and technology aggregator, is thrilled to announce its entry into a groundbreaking AI Computing Alliance (“AICA”). This is a collaborative initiative led by Enlight Corporation (TWSE: 2438) (“Enlight”), and […]

華邦科技集團成員及策略夥伴攬獲「專業金融機構服務大獎2024」兩項殊榮 [更新版]

香港, 2024年7月26日 – (亞太商訊 via SeaPRwire.com) — 華邦科技控股有限公司(上市編號:3638,下連同其附屬公司統稱「本集團」)欣然宣佈,旗下兩家集團成員接連奪得由《香港商報》、《全球商報聯盟》及《經濟導報》聯袂頒發的「專業金融機構服務大獎2024」,其中港灣家族辦公室有限…

DOCOMO and NTT Com Jointly Demonstrate Practicality of DOCOMO’s New Multi-platform Cloud-rendering Technology

TOKYO, July 26, 2024 – (JCN Newswire via SeaPRwire.com) – NTT DOCOMO, INC. and NTT Communications Corporation jointly announced today that they have conducted a test to successfully demonstrate the new multi-platform cloud-rendering technology developed by DOCOMO, which enables tablets and smartphones to easily access real-time three-dimensional (3D) video in outdoor and other environments. The […]


香港, 2024年7月26日 – (亞太商訊 via SeaPRwire.com) — 華邦科技控股有限公司(上市編號:3638,下連同其附屬公司統稱「本集團」)欣然宣佈,旗下兩家附屬公司接連奪得由《香港商報》、《全球商報聯盟》及《經濟導報》聯袂頒發的「專業金融機構服務大獎2024」,其中港灣家族辦公室有限…


香港, 2024年7月25日 – (亞太商訊 via SeaPRwire.com) — 7月24日至25日,東方經濟論壇(Eastern Economic Forum)在香港舉辦場外活動,來自俄羅斯和香港的代表聚首一堂,就拓展經貿關係的和新的合作機會進行討論。會後,香港企業家計劃在2024東方經濟論壇上展示…


(SeaPRwire) –   美國、英國和韓國發布了關於 Andariel 小組的警告 英國、美國和韓國情報機構在聯合公告中稱,一個北韓駭客組織針對全球各地的組織,竊取敏感和機密信息。 英國情報機構 GCHQ 的國家網路安全中心 (NCSC) 於週四發布了這一警告,與美國聯邦調查局、國家安全局和五角大廈,…

British Veterinary Association Ends Opposition to Vegan Diets for Dogs

SOUTHAMPTON, ENGLAND, July 26, 2024 – (ACN Newswire via SeaPRwire.com) – The British Veterinary Association (BVA) has ended its opposition to (nutritionally-sound) vegan diets for dogs. Until recently, its opposition was regularly reported. However, the BVA also has a corporate partnership with Mars Petcare, which makes large sums from selling meat-based pet foods. Stated Andrew Knight, veterinary Professor […]

Global New Material International (GNMI) Signs Agreement to Acquire Merck’s Surface Solutions Business

HONG KONG/FRANKFURT, July 25, 2024 – (ACN Newswire via SeaPRwire.com) – Global New Material International Holdings Limited (“GNMI”, Hong Kong stock code: 06616), announced today that it has entered into an agreement (“Agreement”) with Merck KGaA, (“Merck”) to acquire Merck’s global surface solutions business (“Surface Solutions”) for EUR 665,000,000 (equivalent to approximately RMB 5,187,000,000 or […]

TANAKA Precious Metals Provided Award Items and Ceremony Souvenirs for the International Friendly Matches of the Japan Men’s National Blind Football Team at the “DAICEL Blind Football Japan Cup 2024 in Osaka” on July 7

TOKYO, July 26, 2024 – (JCN Newswire via SeaPRwire.com) – TANAKA Holdings Co., Ltd. (Head office: Chuo-ku, Tokyo; Group CEO: Koichiro Tanaka), the pure holding company of TANAKA Precious Metals, provided award items and ceremony souvenirs for the international friendly matches of the Japan Men’s National Blind Football Team at the “DAICEL Blind Football Japan […]


(SeaPRwire) –   華盛頓郵報稱,美國對 60% 的低收入國家實施了經濟制裁。 華盛頓郵報報導,全球三分之一的國家正受到某種形式的美國制裁,而華盛頓的官僚機構已無法應付維持如此複雜的經濟制裁網路的工作量。 美國財政部於 1990 年代開始對美國敵對國家實施經濟制裁時,其外國資產管制辦公室 (OF…